I’ve Got My Ancestry DNA Report: Evaluating My Test Results For Connections (Intermediate)
ZoomThis presentation takes understanding the DNA report to the next level. As a warm-up, we will touch on the DNA Ethnicity Report, the DNA Circles, and the DNA Story; more […]
Colonial Research: Proving/Disproving an Undocumented Family Line
Many families take great pride in their colonial ancestral lines. This presentation examines the research plan and process of proving such a family line from Ohio back to the Colony […]
Searching Newspapers: Tips, Tricks, Sites, and Context
An up-to-date presentation of tips, tricks, and techniques using newspapers in our research. Several case examples are included as to the value of newspapers in our research as well as […]
Colonial Research: Proving/Disproving an Undocumented Family Line
Many families take great pride in their colonial ancestral lines. This presentation examines the research plan and process of proving such a family line from Ohio back to the Colony of New Hampshire and the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Online research is always helpful, but the results of offline research at archives, repositories, and libraries provide […]